(Unavailable at the moment!)


Hello there! I’m Pebble, and I am doing commissions! If you are interested, here is my information!


SketchColored SketchLine & ColorShaded
Added characters+$3+$5+$8+$10

- Price may increase based on character complexity.
- Object show characters’ prices vary. Please ask me directly.
- As of now, only solid/pattern backgrounds are avaliable.

Custom Characters
Base price of $30 per character
Price likely to increase based on character complexity.
Please give me plenty of descriptions of appearance, and if applicable, images, to work with!


Please pay once we have everything arranged! I’ll review the price with you so that you know how much you’re paying, and if you request more examples of my art, I will try to get you some. PAYMENT IS UPFRONT!
I may request to simplify a highly detailed character, as I mention below that I am not good at complex patterns, machinery, etc.
You must send reference images of the person or character you want drawn.
Don’t repost my art without credit. Here’s my toyhouse!
Feel free to ask for progress shots! I will be happy to oblige.
Feel free to give me tips on the way I draw the character/person! I want you to be happy with your commission!
Please have patience with me. I don’t have much experience with commissions, so I may be a bit scattered, but please try to work with me! <:)
What I will drawWhat I will not draw
Real people (as long as they have agreed to you doing so!)Heavy/fantastical gore
Original charactersNSFW
Ship art (Not real people, unless you yourself are in a relationship with someone)Racism, pedophilia, incest, homophobia, etc.
Mild/moderate goreI will not draw something I am uncomfortable drawing.
What I am good atWhat I am okay atWhat I am bad at
Most body typesHumansFerals
HumanoidsComplex mecha 
Monsters/BeastsComplex patterns 
Object headsAnthros 
Object Show Characters  


Contact me!

Now that you have an idea of how this works, here’s how you can contact me! Discord is preferred. Send me a friend request and I’ll get right to you!

Discord: scribblepleb

Alternate methods:

And here is how you can pay me! Venmo is preferred.
I also have PayPal. Ask me about it directly if you use PayPal!